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Negotiations Continue with TALB

员工关系 Services

员工关系 Services

长滩, CA 90810

(562) 997-8220

Negotiations Continue with TALB

Negotiations Continue with TALB

讨价还价的 teams for the 长滩 Unified School District and the Teachers Association of 长滩 (TALB) continue to work toward addressing re-opener articles and outstanding proposals raised during the negotiation process. During five bargaining sessions including the most recent on Tuesday, Jan. 31, the parties worked on developing an agreement that recognizes and balances the District's and teachers' needs/concerns while maintaining the District’s ability to support students.  

TALB and the District will continue talks on 2月. 7 to address the remaining proposals including:

  • Transfer and assignment language to support equity and excellence and improve balanced access to opportunities
  • 小学 replacement services
  • Additional paid professional development days incorporated into a proposed expansion of the teacher work year, to include the use of pupil-free days 
  • Compensation including salaries, additional assignments, professional development, and pathway lead stipends

The parties have reached agreements on contract language for many of the proposed contract articles including:

  • Supervision and mandatory meeting parameters for counselors and psychologists
  • Work year for counselors and psychologists
  • Librarian coverage for professional development and mandated meetings
  • Safety proposals including codifying notification of emergency drill schedules and collaborative efforts to develop communication procedures addressing both classroom and site emergencies
  • Advanced notice to all staff regarding testing schedules
  • Language regarding shared decision making and elections for teacher leaders
  • Removal of Advanced Math/Finite Math from the list of specialized positions
  • Notification of reassignments for teachers and scheduled planning periods for CDC/Head Start teachers
  • Memorandum of Understanding renewals for the following: Protocols for Collaborative Co-Teach Programs; Full Day Transitional Kindergarten; Full Day Kindergarten; Support Guidelines for Change of Assignment; Administration Guidelines for Reassignments 

The District is committed to negotiating with TALB in an effort to reach a competitive contract agreement that validates the hard work of teachers and allows the District to responsibly carry out its mission of supporting the commitment to equity and excellence for every student.

  • 讨价还价的
  • TALB